100 years  - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1967 - 2 Shilling

Designer: Pilch, Adalbert

100 years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1967 - 2 Shilling

Theme: Animals
CountryAustria / II. Republic of Austria
Issue Date1967
Face Value 2.00 
Colorbrown red
Printing Typecombination printing
Stamp TypeCommemorative
Item TypeStamp
Chronological Issue Number587
Chronological ChapterOOS-OE2
Michel IDOOS 1244
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For the centenary of the Rieder Volksfest a special stamp has been issued, which points to the importance of the people's festival for the entire Austrian economy. The function of Ried im Innkreis as a place of exchange and transhipment point for industrial and industrial products on the one hand and agricultural products on the other hand did not first emerge in the 20th century, but has its roots in the Middle Ages. The role of the markets has been profoundly changed by the machine age. In order to link up with the economic role of the former "markets", around the middle of the last century, "exhibitions" were organized in the context of folk entertainments. So 1868 already 20,000 tickets were sold. But this indicates insufficient coverage of today's scale. In 1965, 1350 exhibitors and 715,000 visitors were counted. Main attractions are always the most interesting cattle houses. Since 1939, since the existence of the Fleckviehzuchtverbandes, 99,300 cattle with a total value of 1.2 billion schillings were sold at the Rieder Volksfest. The brand image shows a breeding bull.

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Used100 years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1967 - 2 Shilling1US $0.261N/AGermany Utestamps (0)
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For the centenary of the Rieder Volksfest a special stamp has been issued, which points to the importance of the people's festival for the entire Austrian economy. The function of Ried im Innkreis as a place of exchange and transhipment point for industrial and industrial products on the one hand and agricultural products on the other hand did not first emerge in the 20th century, but has its roots in the Middle Ages. The role of the markets has been profoundly changed by the machine age. In order to link up with the economic role of the former "markets", around the middle of the last century, "exhibitions" were organized in the context of folk entertainments. So 1868 already 20,000 tickets were sold. But this indicates insufficient coverage of today's scale. In 1965, 1350 exhibitors and 715,000 visitors were counted. Main attractions are always the most interesting cattle houses. Since 1939, since the existence of the Fleckviehzuchtverbandes, 99,300 cattle with a total value of 1.2 billion schillings were sold at the Rieder Volksfest. The brand image shows a breeding bull..