50th anniversary of death  - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1982 - 3 Shilling

Designer: Pilch, Adalbert

50th anniversary of death - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1982 - 3 Shilling

Theme: Well-known people
CountryAustria / II. Republic of Austria
Issue Date1982
Face Value 3.00 
Printing TypeTypography
Stamp TypeCommemorative
Item TypeStamp
Chronological Issue Number1055
Chronological ChapterOOS-OE2
Michel IDOOS 1712
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Ignaz Seipel was born on 19 July 1876 in Vienna. After graduation, he studied at the Vienna Theological Faculty and was ordained a priest in 1899 in St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna. 1903 followed his doctorate for theological doctorate. In 1909 Seipel was appointed professor of moral theology in Salzburg and eight years later he was offered this chair in Vienna. In the First World War he recognized the great danger to the Danube monarchy and wrote his perhaps most famous work, "Nation and State", which appeared in 1916. With his appointment as Minister of Social Welfare in the last imperial cabinet in October 1918, he first appeared actively as a politician to the public. After the collapse of the Danube monarchy, he worked with the Austrian Federal Constitution and 1921 chairman of the Christian Social Party. On May 31, 1922, he was elected Federal Chancellor, and in this function was able to redevelop the Austrian economy, saving the country from collapse. The Cabinets Seipel II and Seipel III lasted from April 1923 to November 1924. But the political developments of that time and the confrontation with the Social Democrats became more and more intense. In 1927 Seipel was seriously injured in an attack. Seipels IV. Chancellorship lasted from October 1926 to May 1927, his V. and last Cabinet, he led immediately thereafter until May 1929. The great Austrian politician died on August 2, 1932 in the sanatorium "Wienerwald" near Pernitz.

Condition All (2) Unmounted Mint ** (1) Used (1)
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Mint **
50th anniversary of death - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1982 - 3 Shilling1US $0.076US $7.65Italy willcolector (0)
Shipping   US $7.57
Used50th anniversary of death - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1982 - 3 Shilling1US $0.076US $7.65Italy willcolector (0)
Shipping   US $7.57
Ignaz Seipel was born on 19 July 1876 in Vienna. After graduation, he studied at the Vienna Theological Faculty and was ordained a priest in 1899 in St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna. 1903 followed his doctorate for theological doctorate. In 1909 Seipel was appointed professor of moral theology in Salzburg and eight years later he was offered this chair in Vienna. In the First World War he recognized the great danger to the Danube monarchy and wrote his perhaps most famous work, "Nation and State", which appeared in 1916. With his appointment as Minister of Social Welfare in the last imperial cabinet in October 1918, he first appeared actively as a politician to the public. After the collapse of the Danube monarchy, he worked with the Austrian Federal Constitution and 1921 chairman of the Christian Social Party. On May 31, 1922, he was elected Federal Chancellor, and in this function was able to redevelop the Austrian economy, saving the country from collapse. The Cabinets Seipel II and Seipel III lasted from April 1923 to November 1924. But the political developments of that time and the confrontation with the Social Democrats became more and more intense. In 1927 Seipel was seriously injured in an attack. Seipels IV. Chancellorship lasted from October 1926 to May 1927, his V. and last Cabinet, he led immediately thereafter until May 1929. The great Austrian politician died on August 2, 1932 in the sanatorium "Wienerwald" near Pernitz..