75 years  - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1982 - 4 Shilling

Designer: Kral, Johannes

75 years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1982 - 4 Shilling

Theme: Post & Philately
CountryAustria / II. Republic of Austria
Issue Date1982
Face Value 4.00 
Colormulti-colored yellow
Printing TypePhotogravure
Stamp TypeCommemorative
Item TypeStamp
Chronological Issue Number1057
Chronological ChapterOOS-OE2
Michel IDOOS 1714
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The heyday of stagecoaching in the first half of the 19th century came to an end with the triumph of railways in the first half of the 19th century. Only the tracks were left where no railroads drove. There it was important to gain passengers by improving the quality of transport. A new dimension opened up at the beginning of the 20th century through the development of the automobile. As early as 1905, the first European post office automobile line was set up in Bavaria. In Austria it was a little later so far. On August 6, 1907, the first postal bus line was opened in present-day South Tyrol between Neumarkt and Predazzo. Two festively decorated buses of Daimler in Wr. Neustadt had Bezinmotoren with 28 hp and were vollgummibereift. They reached a maximum speed of 22 km / h. 17 seats were offered per bus. It is noteworthy that, in the absence of experienced civilian commercial clerks, NCOs in uniform served the steering service. The Neumarkt Predazzo line was enthusiastically received, and on December 15, 1907, another postbus line was opened between Linz and Eferding. The brand image shows a modern Postbus and the castle Ottenstein.

Condition All (2) Unmounted Mint ** (1) Used (1)
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ConditionNameIn StockPricePrice +
Mint **
75 years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1982 - 4 Shilling1US $0.13 US $7.73Italy willcolector (0)
Shipping   US $7.60
Used75 years - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 1982 - 4 Shilling1US $0.13 US $7.73Italy willcolector (0)
Shipping   US $7.60
The heyday of stagecoaching in the first half of the 19th century came to an end with the triumph of railways in the first half of the 19th century. Only the tracks were left where no railroads drove. There it was important to gain passengers by improving the quality of transport. A new dimension opened up at the beginning of the 20th century through the development of the automobile. As early as 1905, the first European post office automobile line was set up in Bavaria. In Austria it was a little later so far. On August 6, 1907, the first postal bus line was opened in present-day South Tyrol between Neumarkt and Predazzo. Two festively decorated buses of Daimler in Wr. Neustadt had Bezinmotoren with 28 hp and were vollgummibereift. They reached a maximum speed of 22 km / h. 17 seats were offered per bus. It is noteworthy that, in the absence of experienced civilian commercial clerks, NCOs in uniform served the steering service. The Neumarkt Predazzo line was enthusiastically received, and on December 15, 1907, another postbus line was opened between Linz and Eferding. The brand image shows a modern Postbus and the castle Ottenstein..