Year of the Bible  - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 2003 - 55 Euro Cent

Designer: Schulz, Maria

Year of the Bible - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 2003 - 55 Euro Cent

Theme: Religion & Spirituality
CountryAustria / II. Republic of Austria
Issue Date2003
Face Value 55.00 
Edition Issued700,000
Printing TypePhotogravure
Stamp TypeCommemorative
Item TypeStamp
Chronological Issue Number1777
Chronological ChapterOOS-OE2
Michel IDOOS 2434
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All Christian churches in German-speaking countries have agreed to organize a "Year of the Bible" in 2003. The cooperation takes place in the spirit of the "Charta Oecumenica". For all Christians, no matter what confession, the Bible is the foundation of their common faith. The action should be a classic example of ecumenical cooperation. The "Year of the Bible" invites us to consciously document the Bible as the connecting factor for all Christians. Through radio, television, newspapers and magazines, the Internet and all other media, the Bible should be brought into the public eye and generally brought into conversation. The message of the Bible has had a decisive impact on our culture. The "Year of the Bible" therefore wants to activate cooperation with all cultural and artistic institutions. It will offer experience-oriented approaches to the Bible and at the same time the rich treasures of our Christian-Western culture will be recalled. Creative and innovative ideas are needed. The year of the Bible is carried in Austria by the Austrian. Bible work, the Austrian Bible Society and the monasteries Klosterneuburg, Göttweig, Melk, Altenburg, Zwettl, St. Paul and St. Florian, the extremely interesting exhibitions especially with the involvement of their rich library treasure over the summer.

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Year of the Bible - Austria / II. Republic of Austria 2003 - 55 Euro Cent5US $1.08US $4.30Netherlands FILATELIELOKET (0)
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Minimum Order  US $2.69
All Christian churches in German-speaking countries have agreed to organize a "Year of the Bible" in 2003. The cooperation takes place in the spirit of the "Charta Oecumenica". For all Christians, no matter what confession, the Bible is the foundation of their common faith. The action should be a classic example of ecumenical cooperation. The "Year of the Bible" invites us to consciously document the Bible as the connecting factor for all Christians. Through radio, television, newspapers and magazines, the Internet and all other media, the Bible should be brought into the public eye and generally brought into conversation. The message of the Bible has had a decisive impact on our culture. The "Year of the Bible" therefore wants to activate cooperation with all cultural and artistic institutions. It will offer experience-oriented approaches to the Bible and at the same time the rich treasures of our Christian-Western culture will be recalled. Creative and innovative ideas are needed. The year of the Bible is carried in Austria by the Austrian. Bible work, the Austrian Bible Society and the monasteries Klosterneuburg, Göttweig, Melk, Altenburg, Zwettl, St. Paul and St. Florian, the extremely interesting exhibitions especially with the involvement of their rich library treasure over the summer..